When you're hospitalized and dealing with illness, it can be an extremely challenging time. Many people find that talking with a chaplain can help during this period. 牧师与 精神关怀服务 为患者提供支持, 家庭, friends and staff members at 加州大学旧金山分校健康's 诗人 Heights, 锡安山和使命湾校区.
诗人 and 锡安山: (415) 353-1941
Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to be a caring presence, offer spiritual and emotional support, and listen with openness and understanding. 病人, 家庭 and staff are encouraged to call a chaplain when experiencing fear, 愤怒, 孤独, 无助, 焦虑, grief or loss or when they just need someone to talk to. Chaplains also are available for times of celebration, 祈祷 and rituals.
We are available to support all our patients, whatever their spiritual path may be. 病人 do not need to be affiliated with a congregation or faith community to call a chaplain. 然而, 如果你确实属于一个社区, we can notify a faith community of your choice to arrange for a visit. 你的部长, 拉比, 伊玛目, priest or other spiritual adviser may visit you or your family member at any time.
- 祈祷
- Guided meditation and relaxation for relief from emotional and physical pain
- 支持团体
- Support with grief, loss and bereavement for patients and family members
- 宗教仪式或圣礼
- Spiritual and emotional support in times of stress
- Contact and coordination with your home congregation and clergy
- Individualized, brief concerts in your hospital room, through the Music Is Good Medicine program
- Life-cycle events including memorial services, 婚礼和承诺仪式, 洗礼, blessings and welcome rituals for new babies
- Spiritual literature or sacred texts
We also work with other staff to provide:
- 支持生命终止问题
- 道德磋商
- Spiritual assessment and interventions for healing
- Family support and participation at family-physician conferences
- Help in explaining patients' cultural and spiritual needs to staff, including treatment preferences and dietary restrictions
- 预先护理计划
We also offer the following materials for use by patients and their 家庭:
- Spiritual literature and sacred texts
- Ritual items for most faith traditions and spiritual practices
- Guided relaxation exercise CDs and audio files
- "Communicating with a Loved One at End of Life" pamphlets
If you wish to speak with a chaplain, ask your nurse to page the on-call chaplain.
We have meditation rooms at our 诗人, 锡安山 and 使命湾 hospital locations. These are quiet places available to you and your family for reflection, 祈祷, 冥想和安慰.
- At 使命湾, there is a meditation room and garden on the ground floor adjacent to the children's hospital lobby at 1975 Fourth Street, and there are smaller meditation rooms near the lounges on the third, 第四, fifth and sixth floors of the adult hospitals at 1855 Fourth Street.
- At 诗人, our meditation room is located on the first floor of the hospital, at 505 诗人 Avenue.
- At 锡安山, the meditation room is located in the main lobby of the medical center at 1600 Divisadero Street, 在前台后面.
精神关怀服务 is supported in part by generous gifts and grants. 如欲捐款,请浏览 makeagift.加州大学旧金山分校.edu/spiritualcare.
In addition to working with patients and their loved ones, 精神关怀服务 provides professional education in 临床教牧教育. The program is accredited by the Association for 临床教牧教育. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 临床教牧教育.